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October 2019 Highlight

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Your start in Aviation & Aerospace.



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"Bah!  Who needs aerial imaging?  We tend our fields by ground with great care."

The farmers above also tended their field with great care.  Consider this:   According to U.C. Davis, Lake County vineyard varieties average about 4 tons per acre yield, which means that can fluctuate by 1 to 2 tons per acre above or below average, depending upon how managed.  The sample field above appears to have roughly 50% stressed crops (light yellow) with high producing areas in green. Since those stressed crops are still producing, let's call it at 25% average under-performance on yield to that field and about the same with many agricultural lands -- pears, vines, and other crops.   For vines, market price varies but let's call it at $1,300 Gross per ton, and $709/ton Net on the 15 acre sample.  So, $709/ ton x 4 tons/ acre average x 15 acres would be about $42,540 in normal year profit to a small vineyard....or about $2,836/acre Net.  Some 25% of that represents about $709 per acre loss or gain over this scenario's average perhaps due to management and farming efficiency.  Or, on that 15 acres, about $10,635 Net below or above average is possible, depending upon management.  Add in all the wasted pesticide, water, energy on pumping and fuel in tending, soil nutrients under and over applied, and long-term damage to the vines with lower yields each year while having to bear the cost of replanting sooner.  Those figures factored in could easily double the cost.  All the more so if the crop value is above $1,300/ton.  Now, what's that on 1,000 acres?   Potentially over $709,000 in Net annual loss or gains on yield alone, plus all the other inefficiency costs.  

That's a scenario on vines. How about the area's pears? For 2012, U.C. Davis estimated 15 to 35 tons per acre on Lake County's Green Bartlett yield, and our example image of field inefficiency should fall close to the median. This indicates a variance of 10 tons/ acre below to 10 tons/acre above median yield depending upon how managed. If we call it at $400/ton, this represents a yield loss or gain of about $4,000 per acre directly related to crop survey & management. On a small 10 acre orchard, that represents $40,000 loss or gain related to yield.  At 1,000 acres of pears, that's potentially over $4,000,000 in losses or gains to go after.  Add in additional losses of wasted water, energy, soil nutrients, and long-term damage to the orchard from neglect....all of which could be mitigated.  There is also the positive environmental impact of more efficient farming in using less chemicals, pesticide, energy, less fuel, and the economic impact as those losses saved mean a few less workforce laid off during lean times.  Our estimates there are certainly off, as each operation varies in output, costs, and market prices per crop, but should give you an idea on the potential value of aerial surveys.

Therefore, compared to what you are probably losing yearly, the cost of our aerial services is very trivial.  There's no guesswork to what we do there, either.  All is very scientific in approach.  There is the initial aerial survey, working together with farm management to form a prescription strategy, then follow-up aerial surveys on the impact of those corrections. Finally, there is the before and after accounting on new yield versus historical data and future year measures, with management decision to upkeep or adjust the methods.


Small farms -- $150 anywhere in Lake County for 1/4 to 100 acres.  Package includes outdoor real estate aerial photos plus crop health survey (NDVI), 2D, and 3D mapping.  $50 extra for 2-5 minute marketing video.  Mileage & time fee for property outside of county limits.

100 to 1000 acres -- $1/acre. Package includes outdoor real estate aerial photos, 2 to 5 minute marketing video, 2D and 3D mapping, crop health survey (NDVI).

Construction / Roofing / Industrial -- Visuals, 2D and 3D mapping, FLIR, 3D Photogrammetry and LiDAR. Request a quote and samples from our portfolio. 

  • Ongoing project aerials and presentation videos.

  • Terrain contour mapping.

  • 3D photogrammetry down to 2-7 centimeter accuracy for surveys.

  • Cell Tower, powerline, vegetation encroachment, and infrastructure inspections -- FLIR and LiDAR.

  • Methane gas leaks (pipeline), air chemistry analysis, and other special missions.

  • Energy efficiency reports - FLIR.

  • LiDAR point cloud 3D imaging.

  • 3D rendering of structures, earth movement, pipelines.

  • Close-in imaging of difficult to access hardware.  Specialized in Action Sports Videography (fast moving target tracking) and tight proximity hand-flying (Down to 1 foot over vines and 1mm resolution imagery -- enough to see a lady bug on a leaf or inspect cracks and missing bolts on towers, bridges, and overhead views of airliner wings .).  We fly how the robots cannot yet do!   But, we also put the droids to hard work.

  • Roads & Highways.

  • Accident and HAZMAT site imaging.

  • Disaster imaging, insurance claims.

  • Aviation -- Airport runway, taxiway, and property aerials & analysis; Airliner aerial inspections (structural skins).


Federal Aviation Administration relevant licenses:

  • Remote Pilot #4124800, Commercial, FAR 107 (Expires: Lifetime.  Subject to retesting by 4/26/2020)

  • Airframe & Powerplant Mechanic #: 3652639 (Issued 1993/94. Expires: Lifetime)

  • Vimana AG-X1 Certificate #: FA3FPECHEF (Expires: 4/27/2021)

  • Vimana AG-X2 Certificate #: FA3HTF9F7R (Expires: 8/7/2022)

Liability Insurance:  Documents upon client request.  We carry $500k liability insurance anywhere in the U.S. as standard, and can escalate to $10m coverage per project at extra fee.

Management Experience:  47 years in aviation; 37 years piloting; 30 years professionally in aviation with zero safety issues.

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Things We Do:

  • Aerospace Education:  Provide mentorship, support, educational resources, rental aircraft, and guidance on flight instruction to pilots at all levels from student to Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) from ultralight to heavy jet and helicopters (Usually via discount programs with partners on programs outside our local capacity).

  • University Programs (multiple) -- Advanced flight training.  Available are also many two and four-year college degree programs among some of America's top aero universities, and other aircraft are available via our network. Presently, we are negotiating tuition discount rates for our club members with affiliates, scholarship, grant, and academic credit for any aviation achievements.

  • Early Aerospace Discovery: We make aviation easier, less mysterious, and more understood to aspiring student pilots, aviation mechanics, and future aerospace engineers. We focus upon curriculum support of  K-12 teachers and local university professors.

  • General Aviation:  Locally, we work with student pilots, pilot-owners, aviation mechanics, teachers, drone pilots, and others with either an interest in or love of flight.

  • Manned & Unmanned Flight Services --   Agriculture, Surveying, Imagery, Advertising.

  • Search & Rescue / Patrol:  We make our aircraft, pilots, and members available for local SAR, law enforcement, and EMS needs. 

  • Flight Club!  (our "Flight Dojo") --"The first rule of Flight Club is that we do talk about Flight Club!"  Our flying club and network acquires manned or unmanned aircraft through purchase, fabrication, borrow,  or lease arrangements with owners.   We acquire flight instructors or mentors depending upon member needs.  We make insurance packages also available.

  • -- The URL presently links here, but will soon forward to our YouTube channel on Powered Paragliding (PPG) and Powered Parachuting (PPC).  

  • Aerospace Engineering / Special Projects & Operations/ Venture Capital & Incubation:   These are the domains of Stan's Mountain Lake Labs (MLABS), which is a separate structure and entity presently hosting Mountain Lake Aero. 

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BlackHawk makes excellent PPG aircraft and also provides flight training & maintenance out of Valley Springs, CA.  Closer to Lake County is Blue Sky PPG. These are places we send you to or can bring to you for flight training.  You can buy or rent their aircraft, or rent from us until ready to decide. No pressure.  We are set up to support schools and dealerships, not really to compete.  If you cannot afford to buy a PPG yet, you can still train at any school of your choice using our rentals. We help you crawl and walk before you run.

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Captain Kirk on PPG (and PPC)

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Powered Parachute (PPC) first showcase in a James Bond movie. [A source owns some of these these black PPCs in his collection, if any are interested.]

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Stay tuned to (soon to be a YouTube channel), which will include more aerial footage of lovely Lake County, PPG familiarity & lessons, local interviews, and other aviation fun!   This video was done by a local drone crew (not us).

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The Most Up-to-Date News


January 2018

Cessna 172 is seeking partners or share-of-cost users.

driving plane


January 2018

Stan has been engineering PPG safety & damage prevention upgrades, but needs discuss more with flight instructor prior to construct.

See:  PPG Research & Development


January 2018

Brian's health is stable again and appreciates all your prayers on his recovery.

Brian's story



January 2018

In October 2017, we lost Lt. Col. Tre as shop doggy.  In December 2018, Stan adopted a bratty Rottie puppy girl.  See:  Security & Collections page.  Penny has been placed in charge of member dues collection.


January 2018

  • Been over a year since our last SAR mission by C-172.  Helped locate one missing man's body.   PPG / PPC opens up much more capacity.

  • Lake Co. Sheriff and SAR briefed on emerging capacities for the airborne group.

  • Heather's horses are doing well and she is working on a new cadaver/ scent dog.

  • Tony's drone crew has been doing well and sponsored on multirotor races.  SAR UAV group continues to evolve.

Node 1B - 50 nm.png
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“The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future in life.”  -- Plato


                          Little Brian----->

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(Back when airplanes had lots of gauges, the DC-10 was king, and rice bowl hairdos with serial killer eyeglasses were all the rage.)


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Lakeport, CA 95453, USA




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