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Working with partners, we offer the following...


LIDAR & Aerial Surveys (Agriculture / Geology): Welcome
LIDAR & Aerial Surveys (Agriculture / Geology): About
LIDAR & Aerial Surveys (Agriculture / Geology): About
LIDAR & Aerial Surveys (Agriculture / Geology): About
LIDAR & Aerial Surveys (Agriculture / Geology): About
LIDAR & Aerial Surveys (Agriculture / Geology): About
Ag analysis.png


We offer the full range of GIS aerial imaging and post processing...

Low-Cost:  Visible, Infrared, Multispectral by drones and/or manned aircraft of lower resolution and smaller areas of coverage (10 to 200 acres per day; Ideal for small farms, surveyors, civil engineering, building energy analysis, search & rescue).

Mid-Range:  Sharper resolution and wider area.  Flown usually by manned aircraft with some drone zoom areas (Thousands of acres per day.  Ideal for larger clients and preliminary study.).

Highest cost:  Highest resolution or widest area of coverage (such as all of Lake County's land mass Lidar & multispectral imaged in a day.  Generally a service and product only affordable to governments).

Image Resolution  (Sharpness & detail) -- This hinges upon several factors: 

  • Aircraft speed in trying to cover an area. 

  • Altitude of imaging. 

  • Quality of sensors used.

  • Spectrum.

  • With or without DGPS ground posts and ground crew.

  • Filtration & post processing.

The highest resolution possible on the lowest cost hardware comes from a slow scan over a small area down low -- the realm of drones, manned helicopters, aerostats (tethered balloons or other aircraft), and powered parachutes.  Which platform we use depends upon the mission specifics along with terrain and weather constraints.

​VIS, Near-IR, Infrared thermography, Multispectral -- By drone or light aircraft, this is typically the most suitable and affordable to agricultural clients, planning, survey, environmental, energy efficiency survey, and wildlife management.  Drones allow us to achieve at a fraction of a cost what a manned helicopter would normally do and can often get into tighter confines. For longer air time, heavier payload, wider coverage, and other missions, we do still employ traditional aerial platforms.

LIDAR --  This highest cost option is usually applicable to clients with a geology or law enforcement survey interest.  The other imaging bands look at vegetation and overall scenery.   Lidar is "laser radar" which strips away vegetation and forest canopy to reveal the naked Earth.  Combined with visible and infrared processing, it is like having "God's eyes" to see and study anything on the surface.

Other sensors --  Airborne magnetometry, gravity survey, wildlife tracking, methane gas, radio & microwave mapping, telecommunications / SIGINT, x-ray, gamma, neutron, other, etc.  We can configure to carry it all.  Imaging Intelligence (IMINT) or Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) services are available globally by any aircraft. 

Whether you need a vineyard scan, minerals survey, or a covert peek at an Iranian nuclear reactor and North Korean bunkers....we can set it up. 

We operate legally in U.S. and Allied airspace.  We do and fly as we please in all other regions.  IMINT and SIGINT -- manned or unmanned -- over hostile landscapes are our highest cost service.  Depending upon the mission needs and costs, we can dispose of hardware or recover it at minimal risk.  We specialize in stealthy flight of payload. 

We are aircraft agnostic and adjust the tools to the particular mission.  If you have the cash and enemy target, we are always willing!  And, we are far cheaper with greater effectiveness on border security than a Great Wall.   Our imagery and aircraft partners are engaged in combat somewhere in the world at any give time, with bad guys generally very miserable any time we are in the sky.  ;-)

Insurance:   We carry insurance per UAV mission, which can range anywhere from small amounts out to $10,000,000 liability coverage.  Coverage needs are adjusted per risk.  Flight over or near crowds? Which aircraft used? Which pilot?  What type of terrain? Rural or urban?  Liability only or hull coverage? Overflight altitude? Premiums are quoted by hour of operation and adjusted per client mission, which becomes a very nominal part of our billing.

LIDAR & Aerial Surveys (Agriculture / Geology): Welcome
LIDAR & Aerial Surveys (Agriculture / Geology): Welcome
LIDAR & Aerial Surveys (Agriculture / Geology): Welcome
LIDAR & Aerial Surveys (Agriculture / Geology): Welcome
LIDAR & Aerial Surveys (Agriculture / Geology): Welcome

If they run screaming with hands in the air like that....oh, for sake of bad men everywhere, you gotta remove em from the gene pool!

LIDAR & Aerial Surveys (Agriculture / Geology): Welcome
LIDAR & Aerial Surveys (Agriculture / Geology): Welcome

Hint:   an old song by David Peel

LIDAR & Aerial Surveys (Agriculture / Geology): Welcome


We offer visible spectrum (VIS), multispectral, NDVI, thermal, hyperspectral, and lidar imaging.

VIS and various bands are useful to mapping, 3D mapping, and agriculture.

Multispectral and hyperspectral are very handy in agriculture.

Hyperspectral helps us filter for only one reflectance of interest -- to find that needle in a haystack.

Lidar is useful for geology, mapping, 3D mapping, pipeline inspection, agriculture, and many uses -- particularly where needing vegetation peeled back and the bare Earth exposed, or high-res contours and changes to targets, such as emerging pipeline cracks and fault motion.

Meeting a variety of client needs in Remote Sensing and GIS takes more than just flying around and snapping pictures.

What are you looking for?   How can we help?  What problems or lack of imagery have you had in the past?  What information would you really like from the air?  Does it require 3D mapping of buildings?  Precision mapping of terrain?  Early disease recognition to a particular crop?  Are you trying to detect a chemical pool or cloud signature? Nuclear weapons? Smugglers? Lost treasure?  Sunken ships? Caves, mines, and enemy bunkers?  Archeology areas? Sasquatch in the forest or deer?  A missing person or months-old scattered remains and artifacts?

We customize air & space operations and equipment to the mission.

"Will you image our marijuana fields?"


Reasons being:

1) Stan's licenses are federal. Worked too hard for them to lose them.

2) If you wind up in trouble with the law on too many plants, transport over state lines, etc...we are potentially accomplice.

3) Law enforcement might tend to request our imagery, and then we are put in the position of backstabbing customers.

4) While MJ has some true medicinal value on chronic ailments, for the elderly, animals, etc...Stan detests its proliferation and push with youth.  As also a classical homeopath, he has seen its addictive properties and negative effects at the clinical level. Homeopaths detest any form of medicine used more frequently than microdose tickles. The average, small, private home grow really doesn't need spend on our services.

5) Other conflicts of interest -- federal security clearance issues, politics, our flying club, youth, young pilots in training,  etc.  Anything aviation even remotely related to MJ potentially moves our operations toward a Cheech & Chong format or perception of it!

LIDAR & Aerial Surveys (Agriculture / Geology): About



Lakeport, CA 95453, USA




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